Our human body is to be charged as we do for the Gadgets,but it’s a natural charge,the Sunlight.The Survival of life on Earth is fueled by the light from the Sun. Natural Sunlight is essential for our health and well-being.
In ancient times our ancestors believed in offering prayers to the sun early morning, The ritual itself was a cure for many diseases. Even today in India Surya Namaskar is done [Sun salutation] to keep oneself healthy and free of disease.
Exposure to sun rays also called sunbath therapy has been in use from ancient times due to its disease-fighting properties.
Sunbathing is the act of sitting or lying in the sun, sometimes with the intent to tan, may have some health benefits if done properly.
Early morning sun rays are the best and not as harmful as the afternoon sun. Sitting for 15-20 min in sunlight daily can improve your health
1. It maintains stronger bones
Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin from sunlight helps in better absorption of calcium in the body and makes your bones stronger .
2. It reduces stress and improves emotional balance
Sunbath boosts your mood, when the signs of seasonal affective disorder are witnessed. A 15-minute sunbath will make you feel energised and much calmer
3. It boost up the immune system
Vitamin D is also important for your immune system to strengthen it. A healthy immune system can help reduce the risk of illness, infections and some cancers
4. It improves the sleep
Sunbath helps in the production of melatonin that helps to improve the quality of the sleep.
5. It maintains healthy skin
We have heard that excessive exposure to sunlight can harm our skin, but do you know that miracles happen if you expose to the Sun’s warm rays at a specific time and in a consistent manner. Sunrays have unique healing power and are even beneficial to treat skin disorders, such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. The light of the sun penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse the blood vessels.
6. It keeps the diabetics in check
This is due to the presence of vitamin D, which is perennial in the production of insulin in the body. This can help to avoid or control diabetes.
7. It helps to maintain the blood pressure
Sunbath helps in activating the nitric oxide that is found in the topmost layer of the skin. It helps to improve the blood circulation by widening the blood vessels. This helps to keep your blood pressure in check.
8. It reduces the chances of getting Alzheimer’s
The American Medical Association, found that Alzheimer’s patients who were exposed to bright light had fewer symptoms of depression and forgetfulness.
9. It is great for Eyes
You don’t need to stare at the sun for better vision. Just stand in the sun for 15 minutes and that’s it.
10.It improves the blood circulation and eliminates toxins
Sunbath helps to improve the blood circulation in the body and eliminates toxins from the body if we do it in a regular basis.
– Too much exposure to sunlight is not advised.
-It is important to follow the limited time period