The Fragrance of Vetiver



Have you ever sensed the fragrance of vetiver? Do you know the wonders of vetiver? Vetiver is a perennial grass also known as Khus in western and northern India. Vetiver is a mixture of orange and yellow color which predominantly comes from the green color family.


Vetiver is native to India, found in Indian wild state throughout tropical and sub-tropical plains along the riverbanks and over marshy lands. The “vetiver” comes from the Tamil word meaning “root that is dug up”.

Do you know? Vetiver grass can grow up to 4 feet in 6 weeks. Vetiver is also widely cultivated in the tropical regions of the world.



Vetiver root water in not only extremely cooling to our body in reducing body heat, it is also a natural anti-oxidant and alkaliser. It cools and purifies the water and soothes you mentally balancing out negative emotions.

You need to place a bunch of vetiver roots in the bottom of the clay pot water, cover the pot and rest it for two to three hours. Vetiver water is ready after two to three hours.


Vetiver oil is obtained by steam distillation of dried roots of vetiver. The oil emits a sweet and pleasant odour. Vetiver essential oil is called “Oil of Tranquility ” obtained from the dried root of vetiver.

Promotes Skin Health and calm emotions

Vetiver oil is rich in anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.  Applying vetiver oil on skin boosts skin health. It speeds up eradication of scars and marks from skin. It is a natural cleanser that helps to remove dirt and dust from the skin and keep it hydrated. It has the capacity to speed up cell growth. Regular use of vetiver oil makes the skin young and firm. It is used as a massage oil to calm emotions.

Steam inhalation

Adding 2-6 drops of vetiver oil to 1- 3 cups of boiled water can be best for steam inhalation.

Relax your mind

Adding 5 – 15 drops of oil to your bathing water to prevent bacterial infection and promotes relaxing and calm mind. You can also add vetiver water to bathing water. Vetiver oil soothing property dispel anger, hysteria, irritability and reduces stress and tension.

Promotes healthy hair

The anti-oxidants in vetiver helps to treat dry scalp and dull hair. It treats dandruff and increases the formation of collagen that promotes hair strength.

Relief from arthritis and body pain

Vetiver’s circulation stimulant and rubefacient properties provides relief from arthritis, body pain and aches naturally.

Utilized in perfumery

Vetiver oil is utilized in the creation of body perfumes, room freshners and coolers as well as soaps, cosmetics and flavoring agent in beverages and other foodstuffs.



In 1980s, the World Bank initiated several projects in India for systematic development of Vetiver Grass Technology(VGT), known as Vetiver system(VS) for watershed management, soil conservation and slope stabilization. Vetiver is widely used in India to reduce soil erosion.


Vetiver mats are made from vetiver root fibre. Lying down on the vetiver root fibre mat can help cool down the body while sleeping and boost oxygen levels.


The Vetiver stem and leaves make excellent fodder with high nutritive value if cut and fed freshly. It is beneficial for livestock growth and provides a quality feed for cattle, sheep, pigs, rabbits and fish because of good appetizing.


Vetiver is used in India both for its fragrant oil and as traditional medicine since ancient times. Diverse use of this plant is on record in ancient Ayurvedic disquisition by Charak, Bagbhanandha and others.

 “You must keep a strict eye on your Health : Let everything else be subordinated to that”    -Swami Vivekananda










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