Surya Mudra

    Mudra is a spiritual, symbolic or ritual gesture being practiced in Indian Culture.

    Surya Mudra, a Sanskrit term, Surya means “fire” and mudra means “gesture”. This is also called as Agni Vardhakmudra.

    Surya mudra is a hand gesture that increases the fire element and eliminates the Earth in the body.



  1. Stand or sit up straight
  2. Hold your hands out in front of you
  3. Bend the ring finger of each hand so that its tip touches the mound of you thumb
  4.  Press down on your ring finger with your thumb
  5.  Ensure that the other fingers are spread out straight
  6.  The Surya Mudra can be practiced for 45 minutes at a stretch or it can be done by separating in three sessions of 15 minutes each in a day.


     Surya mudra helps us in the following ways.

       – Regulates our body weight

              The Surya mudra helps to burn the extra fat in the body and aid you to maintain your body weight.

       – Aids in Coldness of  the body

              It helps our body to increase its temperature so that it aids in reducing the coldness of  the body

      -Improves Digestion

               It improves the function of digestive system, so that it prevents digestive problems such as constipation ,etc.

       -Helps to control cholesterol

               The Surya mudra helps to remove the extra cholesterol added in the blood vessels and prevent us from heart related problems.

      -Maintain the metabolism of the body

              It helps us to increases the fire element in our body and decreases the earth element and thus helps us in maintaining the metabolism of the body.

      -Helps to maintain a good vision

              Surya mudra works with the Alocaka Agni (fire for vision) that helps in improving the blur vision of eyes.

      – Controls thyroid problems

               It is considered as the stimulator of the metabolic functioning of thyroid gland as it balances the space element present in the neck.


             The best time to do Surya mudra is in the morning , at sunrise, between 4 – 6 am for optimum results.

            If it is done in the morning, the energy of the sun is absorbed by the body and utilized.


      – One should avoid this mudra when he has weakness in his  body

– In summer, it should not be done for a long time as it would produce too much heat

-Pitta constitution people should be careful doing this posture

– You can avoid this mudra when you have too much heat in your body or suffering from fever

-Avoid this gesture if you are underweight because this mudra is highly effective in reducing weight.


       Since ancient days, the Surya mudra is been practiced in India. Too much practice of this mudra is not advised as it will produce some adverse effects in the body. It can be practiced for 45 minutes a day. You can also practice three times a day(having 15 minutes each session).






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