Have you ever wondered about the seed of immortality- sesame seeds? Do you know it’s unbelievable spiritual significance? You would be astonished by knowing the health and spiritual facts of these amazing seeds. Sesame or til seeds are used during spiritual occasions, rituals and ceremonies due to it’s holy and mythological importance. Sesame or til seeds is an excellent source of healthy fat, protein, vitamin B, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and other beneficial plant compound.
Even though we find sesame seeds in Assyrian and Egyptian cultures, the origin of this seed must be India. Cotton, Sugarcane and sesame seeds, all the three ancient plants found in the Indus Valley, went to the Middle East from India. There is proof for the origin of sesame seeds in India, is from 2000 year old Sangam Tamil literature. References about sesame are also found in Atharva Veda and Yajur Veda. Garuda Purana and Bhavishya Purana give some information about sesame .The archeological and ancient texts say that the sesame crop was found in the Indian subcontinent around 3000 BC. They are exported around the world from countries such as India, Myanmar, and Sudan. India is the largest exporter of sesame seeds and the second-largest producer.

Sesame seeds are rich in bone strengthening nutrients like calcium,zinc and magnesium.30 grams of sesame seeds will meet 22% of your daily recommended calcium needs.Sesame seeds have a specific compound that reduces inflammation and protects your bone cartilage. In a study, people with knee arthritis were given five tablespoons of sesame seed powder regularly for two months along with drug therapy. The group that ate sesame seeds along with drug therapy experienced almost 60% reduction in pain. The group that followed only drug therapy experienced 22% reduction.

Sesame seeds are an excellent laxative. Sesame improves digestion and helps in smooth bowel movements. Sesame seeds help to control constipation because of its mild laxative and Vata balancing properties.

For vegetarian or vegan, Sesame seeds are a wonderful source of nutritious plant proteins. Just a 30 gram serving of sesame seeds gives you 5 grams of protein. As proteins are the building blocks of your body cells, you need it for almost everything.

The vitamin E and oil in sesame seed is good for ageing skin and hair. Sesame seeds repairs damaged cell and improves the tone of your skin. Sesame seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which boost your skin health .Sesame seeds also help to strengthen your hair follicles that help to repair damaged hair and promote hair growth.

Sesame seeds are helpful in managing anaemia. Sesame seeds are a rich source of iron ,that is 100g contains about 18.54g of iron. They increase the haemoglobin and red blood cells in the body.

Researcher says that the compound “Sesamol” present in sesame seeds protects our DNA against radiations and in turn prevents genetic mutation. Research studies say that during radiotherapy (cancer treatment) it’s advisable to take sesame seeds to reduce the negative effects of the treatment and can protect the DNA.

Research shows that post-menopausal women can benefit from consuming more sesame seeds, because they help with regulating sex hormones, boosting antioxidants and manage cholesterol levels. It also helps to restore sleep patterns.
Sesame seeds balance the vata dosha in a person. Sesame oil contain linoleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid and it is used for body as well as head massage called as Abhyanga. Abhyanga (oil massage) is a form of Ayurvedic therapy that involves massage of the entire body from the head to the toe with Dosha-specific warm herb-infused oil.

-Black sesame seeds are believed to have the powers to absorb negative energies that are present both in the atmosphere and inside the body.Hindus use them in their funeral rituals. Without sesame seeds there can be no funeral ceremonies or the monthly ceremonies during Amavasya for departed souls called Tila Tarpanam. During the Pitru Paksha period and while performing Shradh, people offer Kala til or black sesame seeds to their dead relatives.
-Sesame seed is associated with Lord Vishnu and Sesame oil (Gingely oil) is associated with his consort Maha Lakshmi. Vedic literature such as Boudayana Dharmasutra and Grhya sutra, Jaiminiya Grhya sutra and mythologies such as Garuda Purana refer to the use of sesame seeds.
-Hindus consider this seed as the vehicle for the world of the departed. People who do this tarpanam just give water with this black sesame seeds every month for the departed souls and say three times ‘Be satisfied’ (‘Trpyata’ and so the ceremony is called Tarpanam). By using the kala til or black sesame seeds, people invoke their dead ancestors who wander in the Pitru Loka, a zone between earth and heaven. People offer black sesame seeds with water to the Pitrus while chanting specific mantras.
-According to the priests, these mantras (sounds) have certain energies, that activate the black sesame seeds to start attracting the dead relatives to earth for accepting the Pind Daan. The ritual is done to relieve the ancestors from the vicious cycle of birth and death and also help them in getting liberated from worldly desires that keep troubling their souls.By doing this ritual, it is believed that our ancestors blesses us.
-In South India, oil bath with the sesame oil is considered auspicious. On Deepavali (diwali) day the Hindus take oil bath so that Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth, resides in them permanently. They cook all the dishes only with this oil for religious festivals.
-Tahini: Tahini is actually a form of sesame seed butter. This is healthier than peanut butter and has an aromatic flavor.
-One of the favourite recipe is the sesame balls which is made by dry roasting and grinding sesame seeds and few cashews, and then mixing with jaggery and cardamom to make balls.
-Some of the alternatives to get sesame into your diet, you could try sprinkling over steamed broccoli, baking into granola bars, blending smoothies and serving over salads.
Even though sesame seeds are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc, they also contain natural compounds called oxalates and phylates. These are anti-nutrients which reduce the absorption of these minerals. To reduce these compounds impact try soaking, roasting or sprouting the seeds.