Indian heritage is greatly grounded with ethics,regulation, gratefulness to the almighty and divine spirit. Deepam or Diya means optimistic light illuminated , which is believed to open success,well-being and positiveness. Lighting a deepam seems to be simple, but it is intense – to radiate the light of divine knowledge. Lighting of the deepam is an assured practice in all the Hindu festivals,celebrations and puja.

Miracles of Lighting Deepam

Table of Contents


In India we light a lamp(diya) daily  in prayer rooms at our house and at temples. In many houses it is lit twice a day- at dawn and dusk. In many temples, it is maintained continuously which is called as “Akhanda Deepa”. Light symbolizes Knowledge. Hinduism is based on the values of “Tamso Ma Jyotirgamay” which means ‘lead me from darkness to light’. The supreme power(God) is considered to be a “Knowledge Essence” (The universal soul), origin and illuminator of all knowledge.  Hence light is worshipped as the God.  Knowledge is enduring inner wealth by which all outer fulfilment can be achieved. So we light up the lamp to admire the knowledge as significant form of wealth. The oil or ghee in the lamp signifies our vaasanas or negative inclination with spiritual knowledge. The vaasana’s get slowly exhausted as the lamp is lit. A single light can light hundreds more, just as a man of knowledge can give it to many more.


Advance science tells us a little about the energy world, the one that is invisible to us. From the modern science, we are aware of magnetic, electric energy and so on. We accept that these energy exists because of the gadgets we use them. There may be numerous forces which we are unaware of. The Sacred Indian scriptures talk about the forces which are unknown to advance science.

The deepam on lamps also emits positive wave other than visible lights. The ancient scripture says when a deepam is lit, the Rajasik or activated energy emissions  from the deepam move outward in three dimension into the surroundings transforming the non-materialised Inert energy called Nirguna Kriya Lahiri into rajasik dynamic waves of positive energy called Saguna kriya lahiri which form a sheath of protection. The Agni element in the deepa, purifies the instant environment and radiates auspicious waves on our mind. They bring a feeling of calmness and happiness.



The Skanda Purana is the largest Mukyapurana, a genre of eighteen Hindu religious texts says the warm flame in the lamp sends out radiated light which progress over the sight of the eyes and creates a sparkle of holiness all over the home. This invites the divine force and eliminates negative power.


The lord Krishna in Bhagavat Gita says the entire world is illuminated by sun,but it is me, who gives light to sun,moon and fire(15.12). Paramatma is jyoti swarupa. Our country is called as “Bharath” because we worship light, we adore knowledge. BHA means knowledge or light and RATH means devoted (his entire life for that light).It basically means, the seeker of ultimate truth. Light is a sign of positivity and enlightenment.


The text from Shri Agastya Rishi’s Brahma Rahasyam  says that the Aura which looms from the lamp will work as a realistic Vastu defender keeping the atmosphere opposing  negative vibes. This is the reason we light lamp at auspicious gathering and social functions to recharge our body and enhance positive energy like peace,health and prosperity. Hence the deepam invites spiritual radiance or energy of goddess Lakshmi.


Agni Purana says to use only pure oil or ghee for prayers. Ghee enhances  satva of Pranamaya Kosha(energy body)and Manomaya Kosha(mental body) giving calmness  and contentment. Ghee lamp  energize  the Atma or soul energy, cleanses the Heart chakra and Navel(solar plexus) chakras . Desi A2 ghee which is prepared from pure cow milk  is the most sattvic and supreme for prayers. It gives physical,mental and spiritual harmony. Oil lamps  activates the Manas or Mind energy, cleanses the Root chakra and  Sacral chakras, curing anxiety and gives success. Oil empowers the rajas of Pranamaya Kosha giving power, fortune and prosperity.


Cow’s ghee is the best for puja and lightening lamp purpose.  Agnipurana praises the Ghee lamp the most as it is used for cleansing of the chakras and nadis. The Pancha deepa Oil is strongly suggested to light a lamp to nullify all evil and bring knowledge, health and wealth into your home. Pancha deepam oil should contains Sesame oil or Coconut oil , Cow ghee, Mahua oil , Castor oil  and Neem oil.


Our elders,they taught a lot of things in a very symbolic way. Igniting a lamp means it is a symbolic thing that my heart should also become full of light , knowledge and awareness. It is a subtle way to develop inner awareness. And the light is not only belongs to me and to my heart. I share that knowledge with one and all. So that is the significance of lighting  a deepam .

“Subham Karoti Kalyanam Arogyam Dhana Sampadah Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya Dipa Jyotir Namostute”

Meaning: I fold my hands before the light that brings prosperity, auspiciousness, good health, abundance of wealth and destruction of the enemy’s intellect”. Here, Darkness symbolizes enemy’s intellect and with the arrival of light, darkness disappears. Likewise, light (God’s Grace) destroys darkness.

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