Morning drinks boost us all day long. Having a healthy energetic morning drink makes our immune system healthier and helps us to stay active. Among lot of  morning drinks ,one of the healthier drink is Amla or  Nellikkai  or Gooseberry juice.

      Amla is derived from the sanskrit word amalika, known as Indian Gooseberry. It is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. It has eight times more vitamin C than Orange and seventeen times more antioxidants than a pomegranate.


 – Regulates blood sugar level

     -Promotes heart health

     -Support healthy digestion

     -Promotes immune function

     -Enhances liver health

     -Promotes hair growth


      According to ayurveda ,it is tridoshic ,means it balances the three doshas in the body. Amla juice can be taken in any of  the following ways.

-Amla + honey juice

Amla has a high cooling effect and honey is a natural sweetner with body warming properties.And combined said to dispel toxins from our body.

-Amla + ginger + honey + pudina juice

Amla juice can also be combined with ginger,honey and pudina.It is a refreshing drink.Pudina or mint leaves soothes the digestive tract,cleanses the stomach and promotes skin health.

Amla + pepper + honey juice

 Pepper are high in antioxidants and has anti inflammatory properties.When mixed with amla and honey its medicinal value increases.

 -Amla + ginger + cumin seeds(jeera) juice

  Cumin aids in weight loss and has anti cancer properties. Combined with amla and ginger it has good nutritional value.


   -Amla may lower blood glucose level.  It is advisable to check  the blood glucose regularly if you are taking Amla along with anti-diabetic drugs.

  -Amla should be taken in moderation 

  – Avoid taking amla during night

  -Avoid it if you have cold issues


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