Have you ever wondered about the amazing properties of Darbham? Darbham or darbha grass is a special type of grass which is used in hindu pooja and rituals. Darbha grass or kusha grass is a grass of approximately two feet tall, scientifically known as desmostachya bipinnata. There are specific references in ancient Indian books regarding dardha grass and its benefit. In this article let us now unwrap some of the main utilities of this grass in practical way of life.
The Vedas and Upanishads portray that this grass came into survival after Samudra Manthan, the churning of cosmic ocean. When demigods and demons were prepared to churn the cosmic ocean of milk, there was nobody to support the bottom of Mandara mountain. Lord Vishnu took the form of Tortoise (Kurma Avatar) to help them. While churning, the hairs of the tortoise came out and washed away to the shore. These hairs turned to Kusha grass.
It became divine because when Garuda was once fetching the Amrita from the heavens, during the lengthy flight he became tired and decided to relax for a while. As he was aware that this sacred object should not be placed on the floor, he cut some Darbha grass and made a bed upon which to rest the golden jar of Amrita. As he placed it down, some drops spilled onto the grass and thus it further blessed the grass giving it more healing properties.
The Ramayana texts says, Valmiki while naming the sons of the Lord Ram, took a straw of Kusha and cut it into 2 pieces to explain that the lower part of the straw was called as Lav, while the upper part was called as Kush. Thus these products are the parts of one single straw.
The importance of Darbha grass is also found in Buddhist customs. It is considered that Sakyamuni Buddha sat on a Darbha mat to meditate and got enlightened under the Bodhi tree. The capital city of Malla kingdom of Buddhist is named Kushinagara, just to honor Kusha grass.This is the city where Lord Buddha was cremated.

In Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says in Chapter 6.11 – Saankhya Yoga:
Susou Deesee Prathishtaapya Sthiramaasana maathmana:
Naathyuchritham Naathineesam Sailaajina Kusotharamthatrai kaakram
Mana: kruthva yatha sithendriyakriya:
Upavichyaasanee Yunchyath Yogamathmavisuthayee
“To practice Dhyan yoga, one should go to a secluded place and should lay Kusha grass on the ground and then cover it with a deerskin and a soft cloth…”

In several books, there are text about Darbha grass, one among them is Yajur Veda is
Devaanaam Parishuthamasi Varshavruthamasi, Devabarhirmathvaaj… Vivayaham Ruheema! (
“O darbha,You are grown by the rain and you are collected for the purpose of Devas. Eventhough I cut you, you bless me with all favours. Darbha, you flourish into hundreds of tender grasses…”

Kusha grass is considered to be the purifying body. Brahmins put this grass always in their houses and use for any purificatory customs they perform like “upanayanam”, “vivaham” and also in rituals of deceased people. It is believed that this grass to have Lord Vishnu’s power. It is worshipped by Vaishnavas on the particular day in Bhadrapada month called Darbhashtami.
While chanting vedic mantras, holding a bunch of Darbha grass by placing the tip into a pot full of water absorbs the positive vibrations of the mantras through the grass. The energized holy water is then sprinkled to purify the environment repelling all negative energies. While performing fire ritual, Darbha grass is placed on four sides of the sacred fireplace.
When we do rituals we make a ring of Kusha and wear it on our ring finger. While chanting verses from the Vedas, one has to wear a ring made of Darbha grass on one’s right hand ring finger as a defensive guard from negative vibrations.The ring finger is connected with the Sun and enlightenment and the Kush means the acuteness of intellect – an intellect which should be sharpened through study and reasoning. So there is a saying kusagra-buddhi- an intellect as sharp as Kusha.
Kusha grass is put on every food in the kitchen to keep away the harmful radiation in the environment during the eclipse. In recent medical research, Darbha grass has been observed to block X-Ray radiation. Studies were made by taking X-ray with a bunch of Darbha covering the hand with it. Surprisingly,it was found that the grass absorbed about 60% of the x-ray radiation. When the so powerful x-ray radiation can be absorbed by the sacred grass, it can also absorb the ill radiations spread over the atmosphere.

The mats made of Kusha grass are used to sit while doing meditation. During any yagnas or ceremonies pandits sit on these mats to perform the ritual, darbhasana is sacred seat used during meditation etc. This blocks energy generated during meditation from being discharged through our body (through legs and toes) into ground.
In Tirunallar Saniswaran Temple or Dharbaranyeswarar Temple, the presiding deity is Dharbaranyeswarar(Lord Shiva)and is believed to have been made of dharba grass. Ropes made of this grass are used to encircle deities to purify them. Earlier bhramacharinis or sacred women are given these ropes for their protection.This grass is ground up to make several items like essence and oil. The oil is known as Kusha oil which can be used in summers to get cooling effect.
Dharpai, a plant of coolness helps in solving heat and heat related problems. People who urinary irritation, stones take a handful of dharba grass and boil it in hot water and drink it after straining to get rid of those ailments.
The extract of grass is used to make cool drinks called Sharabhat. These drinks are known for their cooling effect on the body. It is also said that the sweet and astringent taste of dharba grass in drinking water controls diabetes, kidney, epilepsy,piles,liver problems and intestinal ulcer. It is used in the ayurvedic medicines.
There are many more advantages of Kush grass. The word ‘Kushala’ or skilled is derived from Kusha grass which implies that usage of Kusha grass makes one expert character.
It is hung in bunches at the entrance of houses in villages as there is no disease where darbha grass is present.
Keeping a few pieces of darbha grass in the food items like pickles, dried fruits, and vadagam which are used for a long time, they will not spoil. It is also believed that sleeping on a mat made of tarpai grass will relieve body heat.
The researchers at SASTRA University, Thanjavur , on March 2015 identified prevailing tropical grass Darbha as an eco-friendly food preservative.
The findings evolved from the study conducted on the grass Darbha was jointly undertaken by the Centre for Nanotechnology and Advanced Biomaterials (CENTAB) and the Centre for Advanced Research in Indian System of Medicine (CARISM) of the SASTRA University.
To find the fermenting property of Darbha grass, the scientists placed five tropical grass species including Darbha grass, lemon grass, Bermuda grass and bamboo grass in the Cow’s curd as it could ferment easily.
• Electron microscopy of Darbha grass represented stunning nano-patterns and hierarchical nano or micro structures while they were absent in other grasses.
• Darbha grass alone was found to attract enormous number of bacteria into the hierarchical surface features. These bacteria are responsible for fermentation of curd.
• Darbha could be used as a natural food preservative in place of harmful chemical preservatives.
• Further, the artificial surfaces mimicking the hierarchical nano patterns on the surface of darbha grass could find applications in health care where sterile conditions were required.
Darbha has the sky-high value in conducting the phonetic vibrations through its tip. With Sanskrit phonetic sound and vibration, using the Darbham increases its value. Priests in India dip this tip in water and sprinkle all over the house or temple to purify the place. Many researches prove that this grass has power to absorb all negative radiations in the environment. In ancient days ,the hindu sages used to control the magnetic path disturbances, just by simply using this darbham. Darbha grass was used as a disinfectant during eclipses because it is the holy grass that act as disinfectant.