Do you know you can get instant energy by taking a spoonful of this super- concentrated blend? Do you know about the ancient ayurvedic preparation that holds the secret to energetic health? Chyawanaprash is a classic ayurvedic nutritive jam. It contains all six tastes and hence it contains all five great elements. This whole embodiment of nature is one of the earliest mixture whose health benefits have been known to human since the Vedic ages. It is a jam-like deep brown colored semi-solid substance with sweet, sour and spicy tastes. Chyawanaprash- Health benefits are enormous. Chyawanaprash revitalizes and rejuvenates the body towards a healthy lifestyle in today’s hectic lifestyle.


Chyawanprash is an ancient Indian formulation or blend of several herbs, minerals, and spices ground into a thick paste for handy consumption. Chyawanprash , the age- old Indian texts like Mahabharatha and puranas states that Ashwin twins, who were Raja Vaidhya (Royal Physicians) during vedic period, first prepared this formulation for Chyawana Rishi at his Ashram on Dhosi hill(Haryana). Both Ashwini Kumar brothers used this herbal preparation to impart ‘Rishi Chyawan’ with vigor and strength who got aged, weakened and emaciated by continuous practice of meditation to attain enlightenment. Hence the name is Chyawanprash. In the Charaka Samhita, the texts about the formula for Chyawanaprash were documented earlier.

Rejuvenation and revitalizing the body has become a very important step toward a healthy life in today’s hectic lifestyle. Chyawanprash revitalizes and fulfills the nutritional needs of a person that may become insufficient due to bad eating habits and junk food.


Chyawanaprash is composed of enormous number of herbs. Here are listed the mosted noted among them.

    • Amla – Antiaging, immune-booster,antioxidant

    • Ashwagandha – Adaptogen,antioxidant,rejuvenative,aphrodisiac

    • Guduchi – Immunomodulator,adaptogen,hepatoprotective

    • Bala – Antioxidant,promotes strength and vigor

    • Shatavari – calms mind, good eye health,promotes vitality

    • Pippali – Respiratory system rejuvenation,bio- enhancer,digestive

    • Brahmi – Neuroprotective,anxiolytic

    • Gokshura – Kidney rejuvenation,improves strength and stamina


A study on Chyawanprash as an immunity booster against Covid-19 has shown encouraging results. The research was initiated on the hypothesis that Chyawanprash could potentially be used as a safe prophylactic intervention along with standard precautionary measures, to prevent symptomatic infection in the population having a high risk of exposure to the SARS CoV-2 virus

A four-month-long study on health care workers of Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurveda Charak Sansthan has suggested that regular use of Chyawanprash can protect an individual from a severe infection of Covid-19.

The Study group was administered 12 grams of Chyawanprash daily twice a day empty stomach in the morning at least one hour before breakfast and at night two hours after dinner with warm water. As a result of the study, the participants in the study group were found to be more protected from a severe infection of Covid-19.

On the other hand in the Control group (who were not given chyawanaprash), four participants were RT-PCR positive in the same duration, and one out of them had to be hospitalized.


In a study published in the journal Ancient Science of Life, 702 healthy children between the ages of 5 and 12 either received milk with a daily dose of chyawanaprash or just milk for six months, while following their normal routine. The study revealed that those who took the chyawanaprash had two times the protection from immune events than those who didn’t. Added, the researchers concluded that chyawanaprash supports greater energy, strength, stamina, fitness, and quality of life.

In an immune response study, published in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, researchers found that chyawanaprash enhanced cytokine activity while supporting a healthy natural killer T cell response and phagocytosis.



 IMMUNITY MIX – The presence of vitamin C and antioxidants improves the immune system by fighting microbes and shielding the body against various infections.

ANTI AGEING HERB – It protects the body against cellular damage and reduces the ageing process.  It also improves skin complexion and fights against skin infections due to its antioxidant and anti-microbial properties.

ENHANCES THE FERTILITY – It stimulates the production of reproductive hormones in both men and women and hence enhances the fertility. Chyawanprash has been ascribed improvement of hormonal levels and functional balance in the body.

 HEALTHY HEART – The herbs like Arjuna and Ashwagandha present in this mix plays a major role in strengthening the heart muscles. It holds high importance in strengthening the heart muscles, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and preventing lipid build-up.

GOOD DIGESTION – A lot of fiber in the root powder makes this an amazing remedy for constipation and other digestion problems. The antacid property of the herbs prevents the formation of excessive acids in the stomach and promoting better absorption of nutrients in the body.

IMPROVES MENTAL ABILITY – It stimulates the brain and improves the intellectual capabilities, memory and concentration power.

BLOOD PURIFIER – It helps to purify the blood and people who are having less haemoglobin and anaemia. The blood percentage would go up after regular consumption.

REGULATES MENSTRUAL CYCLE – By regularly taking chyawanaprash, it can even regulates the menstrual cycle in women, if there is abnormality.

PROMOTES LUNG HEALTH – It promotes the lung health by nourishing the mucous membrane. Taking Chyawanprash helps to balance Kapha and rejuvenates the lungs. 


-The recommended dosage for adults is 1 teaspoon twice a day and for children, it is half a teaspoon twice a day.

– The best time to eat chyawanprash is before breakfast and you can also take it at night, preferably one to two hours after having dinner.

– If taken in excessive quantity can cause indigestion, flatulence, abdominal bloating, loose stools and abdominal distention.

– Pregnant women and diabetes should consult the appropriate physician before taking it. Sugar free chyawanaprash are available for diabetes.

– Adults can take two teaspoons , two times a day, on an empty stomach or an hour before meals.

-Children over the age of 4 should take one teaspoon (5 gm), two times a day.


Chyawanaprash is an ancient Indian formulation, prepared according to a traditional Ayurvedic recipe, enriched with several herbs, herbal extracts, and processed minerals. Taking Chyawanaprash for weight gain and long-term immunity are popular Chyawanaprash – health benefits. Even though, chyawanprash is an effective Ayurvedic booster that’s safe for regular consumption, it should be consumed in the right dosage.

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