When I started to write about Athimathuram(Licorice) , the wonderful song from “Sri Madhurastakam” waved my mind.

“Madhuram Madhuram Akhilam Madhuram madhurathipathe Akilam Mathuram- Adharam madhuram…” (Everything about the lord of Mathura is absolutely sweet… (mathuram means sweet). It is an excellent song which describes the sweetness of the lord Krishna. Everything in the world is very sweet.The nature,sun,moon,stars,light,darkness,trees,plants,rivers,oceans…

We are to see about one of the most powerful herbs “Athimathuram”. The word “Athimathuram” itself is very sweet to hear, needless to say about its sweetness…

Athimathuram (Tamil) or Licorice(English) or Mulethi(Hindi), is also known as Yashtimadhu(sweet wood) in Sanskrit. It is an impressive and powerful medicinal herb. Licorice root is sweet smelling and is used as a seasoning in tea and other drink. Licorice is cold in nature, heavy to digest and sweet in taste.


-Athimathuram is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

-It acts as a laxative, rejuvenator and immune booster.

– Licorice is the source of simple sugars, proteins, amino acids, and mineral salts like calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese and selenium. It also contains vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, E and C. 


The liquorice plant is a legume that is indigenous to southern Europe and parts of Asia. Licorice root is cultivated throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Licorice root has an extended history, going back to early Assyrian, Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian cultures.



Taking one or two pinch of Athimathuram powder directly, mixes with the saliva and produces healing effect for mouth and throat dryness. It heals the wounds in the gastrointestinal tract. Taking it twice or thrice in a day heals all sorts of wounds in the inner parts of the body. You can also soak a small piece of athimathuram  in the mouth and the juice mixes with saliva and heals throat infections.


Delivering a baby is considered as rebirth for a woman. Athimathuram and Devadaram mixed with equal proportion around 40 gms , can be mixed with hot water and taken twice only after the delivery pain starts, helps for normal delivery. Make sure to consult the doctor before trying this.


If one has continuous hicupps that extends up to hours, dryness in the internal parts can be one of the reason. Taking Athimathuram powder twice or thrice controls it slowly.


Taking licorice powder mixed with milk and honey, improves fertility in both men and women.


Slowly swallowing one or two inch of Licorice powder mixes with saliva and controls continuous dry cough. Licorice is used in the treatment Tuberculosis. Athimathuram, kadukkai,pepper(milagu) equal proportion dry roast and powder – take 5 gm of this powder with honey – reduces the cough due to  heat.


It detoxifies the intestines and the liver, strengthen the liver and boost immunity.


Licorice root extracts gives moisturizing effects on the skin. This quality of licorice makes it useful at treating skin dullness, reduces wrinkles and skin maturing.

Combine one tablespoon of athimathura powder with half tablespoon of sandalwood powder in two tablespoons of raw milk. Apply it on your face for 15-20 minutes and wash with water. It helps to fight skin problems and give soothing effects on the skin. It is good to use weekly twice.


Licorice root with milk grind it in a fine paste good for all sorts of hair problem like premature greying, hair fall, ensures shining and strong hair.

Licorice oil is used in hair application to prevent baldness,greying and to control hair fall. It is also used in nasya therapy.


Licorice powder , tailed pepper(valmilagu) ,palm jaggery (panangarkalkandu) with milk heals throat infections.

For stomach upset or ulcers, soak athimathuram powder in the water whole night, and have it with rice kanji in the morning.

Athimathuram powder water soaked at night is used to reduce joint pains.

Athimathuram water with palm sugar and pepper – improves your voice and strengthens the respiratory system.


The general dosage of Athimathuram powder is 3-5 gms,once or twice a day. Usually they are safe to use for common ailments like cold,cough and stomach upsets for a few days.

Pregnant women, patients with high blood pressure, nursing mothers and patients with other health complications should take Athimathuram with proper medical advice.


Athimathuram helps in soothing the wounds and ulcers,prevent excess acid formation and acts as a mild laxative. It helps in good metabolism and aids in proper digestion and absorption of food. The ancient Ayurvedic textbooks like Charaka Samhita highlight the nature and uses of Athimathuram.


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