Are you drinking milk at the right time?

Are you drinking milk at the right time? Many start their day with a glass of milk. And there are people who wind up their day with a glass of milk. which is the right time to drink milk?  Milk is an amazing source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium which plays a vital role in bone health. Milk contains lot of nutrients like protein, vitamin B1,B2, B12 ,D, potassium and magnesium. Milk is considered as a wholesome diet because of its high content of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for supporting life and maintaining good health. Ayurveda says, to reap the most of the health benefits of milk, one should know how and when to drink it.

Best time to drink Milk

 Ayurvedic specialist says everybody should have the milk daily and no specific time can harm much. But the best time is considered from evening till the bed time. Milk consumed right in the morning becomes quite heavy to digest. It also makes you lethargic. It is generally not recommended milk to people above 5 years in the morning. It is highly recommended to have milk in the evening or night time for its amazing digestive properties. Milk has calming properties, so drinking milk before bedtime help you feel relaxed. It provides you good and sound sleep due to its serotonin content. Needless to say milk is rich in calcium and as our activities are low at night, calcium is easily absorbed by the body.

Health Benefits of drinking milk at night

Balances three dosha

Taking milk at night balances all the three doshas (vatta,pitta and kapha). There should be enough gap between dinner and drinking milk. Moderate intake of milk does not increase the cholesterol level or lead to weight gain.

Promotes ojas

Drinking milk at night advances the ojas. Ojas is related to a condition when attaining proper digestion. Ojas is the key energy that controls our immunity, power and pleasure. It gives you a fresh start the next day with full of energy.

Promotes good sleep

Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps in sleep. Tryptophan has a soothing and sedative effect which induces good sleep. Melatonin, a hormone that is present in the milk, acts as a neurotransmitter that regulates the sleep patterns. Good sleep improves your mental strength.

Regulates your Blood pressure and cholesterol

The protein content in the cow’s milk can decrease bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. It is not good to sleep immediately after consuming milk. It is not advisable to drink milk in large quantities before sleeping.

Good for bone health

Vitamin D, which is present in the milk is required for calcium absorption in the body for the formation of healthy bones. It can prevent disease like osteoporosis (brittle bone).

Healthy skin

Drinking milk regularly enhances the skin from bottom which gives you a flawless skin. The vitamin B12 in milk reduces the loss of skin’s elasticity that is essential for good skin.

Promotes digestion

Drinking warm milk with honey at night can favour huge health benefits. Milk added with honey work as a probiotics that boost the growth of good bacteria and flushes out bad bacteria from the gut. Diabetics can consult the physician before taking honey with milk.

The conclusion

Drinking milk before bed can help you calm and sleep well after a full day work. People suffering from chronic diseases should seek physician advice. It is good to take lukewarm milk at night. There should be enough gap between dinner and drinking milk. It is not that milk should be taken only from late evening. Drinking milk at night boost the digestion and other benefits are at its peak at night. In India, desi cows are considered holy and their milk is highly valued for its amazing health qualities.

“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and stay healthy.”

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