Have you ever tasted yummy, mouth smacking and energetic prunes? Do you know prunes are high in fibre? Tender and delicious, prunes are dried plums that have been dried simply in the sun without any fermenting process. Prunes are an excellent source of vitamin K, fiber, and potassium. Adding to its fiber content, prunes are store of vitamins and minerals, including nutritional heroes such as magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A and K. The rich antioxidant present in the prunes act as a protection for the body’s cells.
China was the first country to grow plums thousands of years ago. Chinese culture believes plum to symbolize good fortune. This fruit slowly travelled to Japan and then got introduced to the rest of the world.
Prunes are dried plums that come from specific plum varieties that are dried rather than taking as fresh fruit. California plays an important role for the majority of the world’s prunes. This healthy dried fruit is most often eaten as a snack whole or mixed with nuts.
In India, the prune (both dried and fresh) is known as Alu Bukhara in Hindi, Kodi mundari in tamil, Onadraksi in Kannada.Prunes are used in cooking both sweet and savoury dishes.
-Prunes can be eaten alone as a snack, which gives instant energy.
-Prunes, the powerhouse of nutrients can also be mixed with a variety of nuts, a good option for evening snack.
-Chopped prunes can be taken along with cereal or breakfast oatmeal.
-They can be blended in smoothies or topped on a salad like raisins.
– They’re used as a pastry filling or added to baked goods like cookies and bread. Prunes can be stuffed with chocolate, almond paste or nuts.
-Prunes taste good when used in savory dishes and can be made into a jam.
Being a fibre rich food, dried plums regulate bowel movements, promotes digestion and maximum absorption of nutrients into the system. High fiber (pectin) and phenolic compounds have made prunes famous as laxative. Take at least two prunes a day or take half a glass of prune juice daily for constipation and for better digestion.
One prune will have double the amount of fibre than one plum. A study showed people who takes 2 oz prunes daily for about 3 weeks relieved from constipation.
The antioxidants in prunes play a vital role in minimising the inflammation. It also stimulates the hormones which strengthen the bones in women. The nutrients vitamin K, magnesium and phosphorous build stamina and strengthen bones.

They guarantee soft and shiny skin. They are good source of vitamin E and beta carotene.These two vitamins protects from the early signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging. They are excellent source of antioxidants which shield the skin membranes from free radicals.The vitamin helps to reduce hyper pigmentation and scar marks.

This is a serious medical condition that can lead to vision loss if not detected early. Vitamin A and beta carotene can prevent this condition. The nutrients essential for great eyesight like carotenoids are present in prunes and can give you great eyesight as you age.

Do you have high blood pressure or want to prevent it in the future? Then regular intake of plums can clean up your arteries and balance elevated blood pressure. One animal study states mice which were fed dried prune powder and prune juice had lower bad cholesterol and higher good cholesterol. Anthocyanins which is present in prunes reduces the risk of heart disease.

Do you want to have a shiny and strong hair? Then adding few prunes in your diet can do wonders. If you are experiencing your hair partition growing wider or thinning out of hair, then it could be alopecia. Prunes also help to maintain proper hormonal balance and reduce Adrenal gland fatigue that causes hair loss. Vitamin E strengthens the hair roots and protects the follicles of the scalp. Premature greying and dandruff problems can be prevented by regular intake of prunes.

Generally,dark coloured foods have the capacity to prevent cancer growth. By having an overall immunity boosting effect on the body, prunes helps to combat the cell damage from breast and liver cancer. Particularly for women, must include this antioxidant loaded diet in their food.
The advisable intake is one serving per day, 6 dried prunes or one serving of prune juice per day. It is about 1 cup or a single serving (8 ounce).
Ayurveda suggests soaking prunes in water for at least 2 to 3 hours for better nutrient absorption. Soaking in water renders the dried fruit much easier to digest. If you have a lot of pitta in your constitution, avoid the prunes and stick with the soaked raisins. Prunes can aggravate pitta dosha because of their sour taste. Better to avoid it if you have dysentery or stomach upsets.
Prunes are a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fibre,potassium,magnesium,vitamin K,vitamin B and iron. It is a proven remedy for constipation as it contains sorbitol and chlorogenic acid that works as laxative. Taking prunes minimize the risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Anthocyanins which is present in prunes reduces the risk of heart disease. It’s not too late to add this amazing dried fruit in your diet.