Are you using the right cookware?

Are you using the right cookware? Foodies know that there’s nothing like cooking with fresh, wholesome ingredients, but if you want to stick to your healthy lifestyle, you might want to avoid some of the most common cooking utensils in your kitchen. By switching out your usual cooking tools and utensils with healthier options, you can ensure that the food you prepare will be as nutritious as possible, without sacrificing flavor or presentation.

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Cookware to be avoided

Here are some things to avoid when cooking if you’re trying to live healthily.

Non-Stick Frying Pans
Non-stick pans are some of the most popular cooking utensils, but they are also one of your worst bets. To get a non-stick pan, you need toxic chemicals called perfluorocarbons, or PFCs. PFCs have been linked to health problems including reproductive issues and immune system disorders. Not only that, but non-stick pans aren’t particularly good at their job—as soon as they start losing their non-stick coating, it’s time to throw them out (and no matter what they say on those infomercials, you can’t reactivate non-stick coating ). When choosing cookware, remember: The best way to stay healthy is to avoid using any type of cookware with Teflon or other coatings.

Aluminium cookware
There are many drawbacks of aluminium cookware. Aluminium is toxic, it leaches into food and it may cause Alzheimer’s disease. If you want to keep your brain healthy, avoid aluminium cookware and use stainless steel instead. Good replacements include copper or enameled cast iron. The best replacement for aluminium pots and pans is copper cookware. Researchers says that using aluminium cookware can be responsible for polluting our bodies and poses various health hazards as cooking a meal in an aluminium pan can add about 1 to 2 mg of aluminium to your food. Using aluminium cookware for a long time can pose health risks. We use aluminium utensils because they are lightweight, cheap, rust-free and easily available. Aluminium also neutralises the vitamins and minerals present in the food.

Ceramic cookware
Don’t use ceramic cooking utensils or cookware. Several studies have shown that ceramic coated cookware may cause damage to your health, and could contain lead and cadmium, which cause a number of serious medical problems such as brain damage, and certain types of cancer. While these items can be visually appealing, they are highly porous and difficult to clean. The bacteria trapped in these utensils will grow and multiply at an extremely fast rate, especially if left unwashed between uses.

Cookware suitable for cooking

It is considered as the best metal for cooking rice. It is also good to store water overnight in a copper utensil, and to drink your first glass from this to enjoy the benefits of this wonderful metal. Science has now proved that copper-rich foods boost collagen which boosts skin health. Cooking in Copper vessels will also increase metabolic rate, detoxifies the body, helps increase haemoglobin, improves the secretion of bile and the peristaltic movements of the gut to aid digestion as well.Milk,yogurt,cheese,buttermilk,sour things and lemonade should not be consumed or kept in copper vessels as it can have adverse effects on health.

Clay pots
Clay pots adds nutrients like calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium and sulfur to food, which are highly beneficial to our body. Clay is also alkaline and thus, acts neutralized the acidity in the food, which makes it easier for us to digest.Particularly, more oil is not necessary for cooking in a clay pot and thus, it is observed that food cooked in clay pots are much lower in fat than food prepared in any other method. It is important to use unglazed claypots that are pure chemical free.

Bronze utensils
Cooking in Bronze utensils retain almost whole of nutrient value of the food. There is no chance of toxic elements into the food if you are not using a very old vessel for cooking. Bronze alloy lends alkalinity to food which reduces its acidic value and promotes health. It is recommended to use a new bronze utensil as very old bronze utensils may contain impurities of arsenic and lead which leach into the food.It is also recommended that acidic food items (those having tomatoes, vinegar, etc.) are not cooked in these vessels.It is suggested not to use ghee while cooking in bronze utensils or for keeping desi ghee preparations in bronze vessels as it may promote harmful effect on health.

Iron cookware
Cooking in Iron cookware is the good option to go for as it naturally releases iron, which is essential for the better functioning of body. Some studies have proven that the ancient way of cooking in iron utensils, is good for expecting mothers as it provides the best of nutrients required for the baby to develop in the womb.

There should be a wise choice of cooking and storing food in the right utensils as it helps to improve your physical and mental health. Have a try of these traditional utensils such as bronze, copper, silverware, clay, iron and brass. Ayurveda suggests that food should be cooked and stored in round-shaped utensils so it helps to distribute heat more evenly and make the food healthier.

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