Why eating in silverware is healthy?

Born with a silver spoon is an English idiom. To be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth means to be born with all the advantages, to be born into a rich family. Many royal people of the past ate in silver utensils for a reason. Many of you think it was just a status symbol to show off of their wealth.  You would be surprised to know the healthy reason behind this practice. Scientist says that it was connected with your healthy life and not merely a show off. Let’s see the health benefits of eating the food in silverware.

Health benefits

1)A Natural Antibiotic

Since olden days, silver has been used as a natural antibiotic. Silver has the ability to powerfully fight against microbes. Using silver plate for having food would enhance your immune system.

2) Cools the body

Silver vessels have a cooling effect on the body which improves digestion and enhances the metabolism of the body.

3) Keeps the food fresh and longer

Scientists say that food or drink stored in silver vessels last longer period. Silver fight against the microbes and stops their growth resulting in fresh and clean food.

4) Non Toxic

Plastic releases toxicity when they are heated. But silver has non toxic properties because silver does not have oxidation that could affect the body health.

5) Durable

Silver utensils last longer because they are non breakable and have a longer shelf life as compared to ceramic and glassware.

6) Bacteria free

It is proved that silver is 100 percent free of bacteria. Since olden days, we give food and drinks to babies in silverware. This is because there is no need to sterilise the vessels and a warm water wash is enough to use again.

7) Activate damaged body cells

The silver content in silverware can reactivate damaged body cells. So that the damaged cells can be repaired and perform its function regularly.

8) Eradicates free radicals

Free radicals can cause various diseases and premature aging. Silver helps to eradicate the free radicals and keeps us young and healthy.

9) Healing agent

Since ancient days, silver utensils have been used not only for cooking but also as a healing agent. Silverware is the most commonly used cookware of civilizations all over the world.

10) Medicinal uses

In many ayurvedic medicines and treatment, silver was used in very small quantity as a tonic. This acts as a rejuvenating agent for old age people or for people with any disease.

11) Increases Sperm count

Silverware is good for people who have excessive thirst and dizziness. Silverware calm down body inflammation and also increases sperm count.

Take Away

Silverware has preservative, medical and curative properties. Disease causing pathogens would not able to survive in the presence of silver. Hence, silver utensils are used in dishware and drinking vessels. The silver utensils are usually durable.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future,or not to anticipate troubles,but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly”    – Gautama Buddha

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