Nature is the wonderful blessing for humans and nature is the basis of our life. By nature, we get all that is necessary for human life like water, air, sun, trees, fruits, moon, river, mountain, sea, sky, etc. To live a healthy life, we have to live naturally by abiding natural rules. The happiness and joy fills us to see the spring, the rainy season attracts our mind, the rainbow makes our dream more colourful. It’s easy to break the rules made by man but not the rules of nature. We have to live in line with nature, to understand it.
Fruits are nature’s boon to humanity. Fruits are not only appetizing and revitalizing but also a great source of vitamins and minerals. Fruits are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, fiber and minerals. Like the human body, fruits contain eighty percent water. Fruits are enriched with fiber and it promotes good digestion. Fruits do energize the brain cells and provides good mental health. Fruits are free of bad cholesterol and promote healthy heart. Fruit is the most natural food and it is to be consumed in the natural way.
Fruits are the plumpy or dry ripened ovary of a flowering plant, enclosing the seed or seeds. Botanists define a fruit as the seed bearing structure in flowering plants (angiosperms), formed from the ovary after flowering. A fruit is a ripened ovary that contains seeds.
A seedless fruit is a fruit grown to own no mature seeds. Seedless fruit is produced through a process called parthenocarpy. It is process of producing fruits without pollination or fertilization. The techniques used for parthenocarpy are artificial pollination with altered or dead pollen or by injecting fruit with synthetic chemicals.
Seeded fruits are naturally grown whereas seedless are artificial. It is said that “You are what you eat”. The most seedless crops are remarkable reduction in the amount of biodiversity in the genus. It is the seeded fruit that grows natural. Ayurveda consider seed as the abundant and wholesome part of the plant.
The fruit seeds contain excessive nutritious value and by taking seedless fruits customer are missing out on nutrients. Seeds are indication of fertility and spirit of plants. Traditionally, it is believed that fertility is an evidence of good health. A key pointer of healthy body is the ability to create themselves healthy babies. Taking the prolific, healthful and rich part of a plant will make us fertile and nurture us as well.
Human body is made up of seven dhatus(seven groups of tissues) and Shukra dhatu is one of them. Shukra dhatu refers to both male and female genital tissue. Consuming foods that support shukra dhatu must be highlighted throughout life.
Infertility would impact those who take seedless fruits. This proposal is unconfirmed by western science, but makes a sort of innate consciousness. It is captivating that the fertility rate in the western countries, where most GM (Genetically modified) crops are raised and eaten, has gone to the bottom.
Seedless fruits create seedless people. We the human do all the experiments against nature by cloning plants and animals for the ease of the food and farming industries. It is always best to go for foods that are as close to nature as possible. A seedless fruit should not be viewed as a fruit. It is not possible to plant a seedless fruit, because the plants that produce them don’t crop up in the Earth because they are infertile.
“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”