The Magic of Oil bath in India


Do you want to get through the joint pains, body pains, stress and other health issues? Then it’s time to rejuvenate the ancient Indian cultural practice, 
‘The Oil Bath’

     Have you ever discovered the word ‘Abhyanga’?

     The word Abhyanga means “warm oil massage”

      The Oil bath is also known as “Abhyanga Snanam”.

      The warm oil is applied all over the body from head to toe and it stimulates all the internal and external organs of the body to promote amazing health benefits.

     In Ayurveda, a long established system of medicine from India, Abhyanga is widely practiced. The Oil is the main constituent in this massage. The practice of Oil bath has run down due to the present day busy lifestyle. But it can be or should be continued at present environment too due to its countless health benefits.

  Abhyanga can be done by massage therapist or self massage at home


The Oils used for Abhyanga Snanam (oil bath)

      The oil used for Abhyanga Snana is generally sesame oil (also known as til oil or gingelly oil or Nalla ennai in tamil)

        – Medicated coconut oil is also be used as plain coconut oil does not have the specific dosha balancing effects.

         -Medicated oils like Dhanvantharam oil and other medicated oils (based on the individual body condition)

 are recommended for the Oil bath.


Benefits of Abhyanga Snanam

       Taking oil bath regularly have huge health benefits. Here goes some of them

-Enhances Blood circulation in the body

-Increases attentiveness and presence of mind

-Provides good sleep

-Promotes hair strength

-Boost up peaceful mind and relaxed body

-Enhances glowing skin

-Eliminate dead cells from the body

-Improved vision

-Strengthen the muscles and joints

-Delays ageing

How and when to take Abhyanga Snanam

  How to take oil bath:

       Be sure to take warm oil not too hot.

         -Use a separate old towel to hold the oil stains

         -Massage on all parts of your body (10 to 30 mins)

         -The oil is slippery so be cautious while walking 

         -If possible expose to mild sunlight.  

         -Take a warm shower (20 to 45 mins after massage.)

         -It is best to use ‘shikakai’ powder for hair wash and besan flour or herbal bath powder for the body.

         -Make sure to eat light food and better to avoid daytime sleep.


 When to take oil bath:

        -In some of the Indian holy scriptures, the Men are advised to take the oil bath on Wednesday and Saturday as it gives them mental and physical strength(longevity).

          -The women are advised to take it on Tuesday and Fridays as it balances the vatha in their body and promotes their beauty and body strength.

          -The oil massage is advised to be done after sunrise.

          – Only during the popular Indian Festival ‘Diwali’ oil bath is allowed to take before sunrise as it is believed that the river ‘Ganges’ energy is present in normal water too in that particular time

          -Even though in scriptures it has mentioned to take oil bath on a particular day for both the gender, medicated oils can be taken on any weekdays.




 The bottom line

       A systematic Oil bath or Abhyanga snanam is the most amazing fitness routine.

         The oil bath should be avoided during illness and during menstrual cycle of women. Pregnant women can seek necessary medical advice.

        The remarkable health benefits of Abhyanga Snanam are described in the ancient Ayurvedic books like Asthanga Hridayam and Charka Samhita.



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