The Incredible Chin Mudra




              Mudras play an essential role in the environment of historical spiritual system of India. Mudra is a gesture that connects the energy flow in mind body system. Mudras have been broadly used in India since ancient times. A Mudra is a symbolic gesture or bodily posture practiced with your hands and fingers. Normally, there are above 200 hand mudras. Mudras are used in the body rejuvenating practice, emotional language, dancing and for evoking the divine conditions.


          Mudras are originated from India in Gandhara and in China during the Northern Wei. It is largely practiced in Southeast Asia in Theravada Buddhism. Mudras are a vital part of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. There are several types of mudras and each have specific qualities. We are going to see about the Chin Mudra.

              The Hindu knowledge about Mudras were documented in the ancient literatures like Mantra Shastra, Upasana Shastra and the Nritya Shastra.


           The word Chin means consciousness in Sanskrit and the aim of this mudra is the union of the individual soul with the supreme soul. The Ayurveda and Yoga ideology believes that the human body is composed of five elements – Fire, Air, Water, Space and Earth.

             A person enjoys a healthy life if these elements are in balance in his body. In Chin mudra, the Index finger represents individual consciousness and the thumb finger represents universal consciousness. When the two is joined the individual soul is connected to the universal supreme soul.


·     Place your hands on top of your thighs with your palms open.

·     Slowly tuck the tip of the index finger under the tip of the thumb, keeping the other three fingers slightly extended.

·     Gently relax the back of the hands on the top of the thighs with the palms facing upward.


·     Improves concentration by activating brain neurons.

·      Enhances the memory power and brain function by stimulating the Pineal gland

·     Reduces the depression and make us calm

·     Improves the sleep patterns

·     Connects us to the Supreme soul

·     Improves the presence of mind (a calm state of mind that makes one to think clearly or act effectively in an emergency).

·     Increases energy in the body and reduces lower backpain.


              Mudras are used in important cultural rituals of Hinduism and Buddhism in India. It is also practiced in Tibet, China, Japan, Indonesia and other Asian countries. There is no particular time duration to do Chin mudra. It can be practiced while sitting, walking and whenever you want.                                 “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”                                                                           -Buddha   














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