Wonders of Vajrasana

Vajrasana comes from the sanskrit word vajra means Thunderbolt or Diamond and Asana means posture.


  •   Stretch your legs straight  in front of you
  • Then, fold both the legs and sit in a kneeling position, keeping the hips on the heels; the toes should point out behind you, and your big toes should touch each other at the back.
  • If you are a starter, you need to keep a cushion under your knees if you have knee pain.
  • You can sit comfortably on the pit formed by the parted heels.
  • You can keep your head, neck, and spine in a straight line. Keep your palms on your thighs facing upwards.
  • If you are experienced in Yoga, hold this pose for about 15 minutes, while taking long, deep breaths. Beginners can start with about 30 seconds according to their comfort. 
  • Exhale and relax. 
  • Gently straighten your legs.


·        Vajrasana makes the lower body flexible, strengthen sexual organs, tone body muscles including hips, thighs, calves and cures joint pains, and urinary issues.

·        It strengthens the pelvic muscles.


·        The pose is effective for the stomach, liver, and uterus, and also helps the lower back.

·        The kneeling pose helps marathon runners, people who stand for a long time or those with vericose veins as the pose brings the hips on the heels. The asana gives your quadriceps a nice stretch.

  •          Enhances the blood circulation in the lower abdomen, improving digestion.
  • Relieves excessive gas and pain in the stomach region.
  • Makes knees and ankle joints flexible preventing rheumatic diseases.
  • Vajrasana stimulates the vajra nadi that facilitates good digestion.

·        Relaxes the waist and hip region that provides relief during menstrual pain.

  • Acts as a basic posture for the practice of pranayamas, as well as a preparatory pose for meditation.

·        It helps to relieve constipation, piles and fistula problems.



All the seven chakras of the body are aligned in the straight line of the body that raises the Kundalini Sakthi in an upward movement.

 Sitting in Vajrasana pose practicing Pranayama,Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma makes one body as strong as Diamond.

Since it stimulates Ajna and Anahata chakras, it will create extraordinary enormous inner force.

One of the advantage is this pose can be done even after meals.    


People having severe knee problems and knee surgery should avoid Vajrasana.

Pregnant women should seek proper medical advice.

People having spinal cord issue, hernia and other health issues should seek proper advice from Yoga instructor.


Researches proved that practicing Vajrasana regularly strengthen the body and enhances one capacity of focusing the mind. Vajrasana stimulates vajra nadi that facilitates good digestion. It is the best asana after lunch or dinner to burn belly fat and aids in digestion.




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